We work with other artists in photography, video, and graphic design
to create amazing projects and push the limit with their thought processes.
Dstock is a unique boutique rights controlled images source. Adeptbooks also publishes fine art photography books and sells limited editions of museum quality vintage prints for the JAV/archivo, a 50 + years photo archive. We also collaborate and do curatorial works.
Tontxi Vazquez was invited as artist advisory committee board member for the 2 year span of the popular NEW YORK, NEW MUSIC 1980-1986 exhibited at the Museum of New York City (2020-22).
Currently, Tontxi is curating a show around the 25th Anniversary of a political mural depicting sovereignty for the Island of Puerto Rico, featuring Richard VAGABOND Beaumont's political graphic genius.
Discover information about collecting photography as well as the quality, types, and the market for the image-based artform.
The store specialises in everything from unique rights-controlled photographs, perfect for your stock image needs, and access to museum quality prints.